workshop: ibm® spss® statistics for research purposes in economics and business
Together with IBM Indonesia, we held an interactive workshop: Pentingnya Menggunakan Software yang Tepat dalam Penelitian di Bidang Ekonomi dan Bisnis on June 29, 2022 at Hotel Veranda Pakubuwono, Jakarta Selatan. Through live demos and presentations, participants learn how to properly analyze data by utilizing the features in SPSS® Statistics for research purposes in the fields of economics and business.
Guest speakers:
Dr. Syofriza Sofyan, ME, Faculty of Economics and Business Lecturer, Universitas Trisakti
Dr. Jakaria, SE, ME, Faculty of Economics and Business Lecturer, Universitas Trisakti
Dr. Ari Pratiwi, ST, MM, Faculty of Economics and Business Lecturer, Universitas Paramadina